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School's History

Background of Will J. Reid High School 

Established in 1966, Reid is a continuation high school committed to meeting the needs of students and advancing them towards successful futures. Reid presently serves 11th and 12th grade students at a school site that serves four educational programs. In addition to Reid, there is a Head Start preschool, Long Beach School for Adults, and the Juvenile Day Reporting Center. Reid is a recognized Title I School.

Reid’s program is designed for students who may benefit from a smaller learning community with more personalized attention. Reid students have arrived at their credit deficiencies for a variety of personal reasons; however, all Reid students have made the choice and commitment to credit recovery in an instructor-supported format. Students from the comprehensive high schools are referred to Reid if they are Juniors or Seniors who are not on track for graduation, and would be unable to graduate at their comprehensive high school with the interventions and opportunities provided in that setting. Students re-entering the district as credit deficient Juniors or Seniors are also referred to Reid. There is an intake/interview process, facilitated by the school counselor and dean, that manages all transitions of students to Reid. The school counselor, in collaboration with the High School Office, facilitates Reid students returning back to the comprehensive high schools. Reid’s graduation requirements are the same as all the other high schools in the Long Beach Unified School district.